Dr. Mahani SP., M.Si. adalah seorang akademisi dan praktisi Madu serta Propolis Indonesia. Berikut adalah beberapa hasil penelitian beliau terkait propolis dan lebah trigona yang telah dipublikasikan : 

“Bee Propolis Trlgona spp Potential and uniqueness In Indonesia”

“Biological Activities, Phytochemical Composition and Plant Origin of Indonesian Native Stlngles Bee (Trigona sp) Propolis from Different Provinces In Indonesia”

“Determination Indonesian Native Trigona Bee Propolis As Complementary Nutraceutical Of Anti Tuberculosis Drug”

“Trigona spp Local Bee Propolis Potential to Accelerate The Recovery of The Nutritional Status of Patients with Pulmonary Tb”

“Antlhyperglycemlc Effect of Propolis Extract from Two Different Provinces In Indonesia”

“The Effect of Solvent Type to Yield and Antioxidant Activity of Trigona spp Propolis Extract”

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